Monday, August 6, 2012

Temple Shootings... What is the Solution?!

I did a little experiment on my personal Facebook page today after the terrible Sikh Temple shootings.  Always wanting to know why, I'm an Aquarius, what can I say.  :)  Anyhoo, I wanted to hear what others thought would be the solution to the rash of gun violence that is plaguing America.

Below is the story, my question, and the responses.  The names have been changed to protect the innocent.  

I'm still thinking about my response.  What's yours?

UPDATE: A gunman opened fire Sunday morning at a Sikh temple outside of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, killing six people and wounding at least three others, including a police officer, before being shot to death, police said. A law enforcement offi
cial told NBC News the gunman was dressed in tactical gear and armed with a single handgun.

Read more and stay tuned for updates:

Photo: A man wipes away tears on Sunday outside the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wis. (Jeffrey Phelps / AP)
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    • C: This Temple is mere miles from where I grew up. So sad that people can see different, and think bad.
      11 hours ago ·  · 1

    • C2: I think if everyone carried and learned hire to use a sidearm or a sword or both the world would be a much more polite place. Also if NO one had access to weapons the works would be safer. too late for that.
      10 hours ago via mobile ·  · 1

    • P: the only way our country can turn around from all these actions and hatred is to truly turn this country back to the Christian beliefs that this country was based on, that is the reason we have always been the strongest, safest country in the world. We have taken prayer out of our schools, the 10 commandments out of our courts and a huge percent of our country believe that everything good in our lives, we did on our own. NOT!
      10 hours ago ·  · 1

    • A: Start by banning automatic assault weapons, end the hate filled media like Fox and Limbaugh who reinforce hating your neighbor.
      8 hours ago via mobile ·  · 1

    • S: I agree with Pat. We need to put God back into things,not try to take him out. Whatever happened to "In God We Trust"! Out country was founded on this belief. Get with it people before it is to late!
      7 hours ago ·  · 1

    • S2: How about respect for EVERY type of worship? Instead of just the worship of a prescribed GOD? Perhaps the idea of compassion for all instead of for only those who we deem similar to us would make the world a better place.
      7 hours ago ·  · 3

    • S1: That is true S2. We must respect every type of worship. After all; there is ony one God and the way we chose to worship him is up to us. The important thing is that we DO believe!
      7 hours ago ·  · 1

    • A: The problem with P & S1's point is that Christianity has been hijacked in this country by those filled with hate (Rush, all of Fox, Westboro Baptist Church, etc), who preach a lot, but mirror the exact opposite of what Jesus taught. This leaves a bad taste in the mouths of those who love others of different faiths, races, sexual orientation, etc. if one is not raised in an environment of love & respect & kindness towards all, then hanging the 10 commandments it government buildings will do nothing to help us.
      6 hours ago via mobile ·  · 2

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