An excellent article regarding Twitter by Andy Beal:
Micromedia tools such as Twitter, Plurk
, and Pownce have introduced the concept of group conversations. Similar to instant messaging, Twitter allows you to send quick, short messages to hundreds of friends at once. Anyone that signs on to “follow” your Twitter profile will receive an alert—via instant message, mobile text message, or email—each time you send a new message.
How can you use services such as Twitter to build your reputation? The service is still relatively confined to early adopters, but is already showing great promise as a tool for building your brand.
Assuming that you’ve already matched your Twitter username to your personal or company brand, here are some suggestions for using Twitter to build your online reputation:
1.Start conversations with notable peers.
Don’t be the guy that jumps on Twitter, “follows” 10,000 people, then tweets “@” them every two minutes. That’s not the type of reputation you want to build for yourself.
Do be the guy that follows those that have influence and audience in your industry. You’ll learn a lot just from listening to their often unguarded comments, but if you have something valuable to add to their conversation, send them an @andybeal or @chrisbrogan, or @garyvee. If you can engage them in a conversation, they might just @ you back–alerting their thousands of followers that you’re a person worthy of their time, in the process.
2.Share valuable industry news.
If you’re the kind of person that’s always discovering breaking stories, share those with your Twitter network. Maybe you’ll “tweet” something not yet seen by a popular blogger. They may not always give you credit in their blog posts, but you can bet you’ll quickly get on their radar.
I’ve personally credited and linked to Twitter followers that gave me a “heads-up” on a breaking story and seen others credit me for sharing a story with them. How’s that for reputation building? You’ve just become the guy that keeps the top bloggers “in the know.”
3.Build your blog audience.
We all know how hard it is to build a blog’s audience. How often do you check your Feedburner stats to see if you’ve inched up or down that day? Conversely, building your following on Twitter can take much less time, and work–I’m adding up to three times as many Twitter followers each day, than blog subscribers.
OK, but how do you get your Twitter followers to start reading your blog? Er, you ask them? Well, actually, you cherry pick your best blog posts and share them with your Twitter followers–many of whom likely don’t already read or subscribe to your blog.
Tools such as Twitterfeed can automate the process for you, but be careful not to overload your Twitter followers with blog post updates–you want to build a positive reputation, remember?
4. Stay connected at conferences and trade shows.
Twitter really shines, when it’s used by conference attendees. “OMG Google’s Larry Page just farted on stage,” while fictitious, would be great fodder for the Twitterati. You may attend a conference as a complete noob, but Twitter can help you leave as a “someone.”
The next time you attend an event, look for the official Twitter account. @BlogWorld is one example of a conference that makes heavy use of Twitter. Follow the Twitter updates at your next conference and you’ll learn the location of the secret parties, or where Guy Kawasaki plans to have dinner that night. For anyone uncomfortable with networking, Twitter is a great tool to connect with other conference attendees and build your reputation without having to actually shake hands.
5. Monitor your Twitter reputation.
Monitoring Twitter for mention of your personal, or corporate, brand can save you a lot of future reputation headaches. Conversations about your brand can happen on Twitter, hours before someone decides to migrate the conversation to something more widespread, such as a blog.
Here’s a real life example. I recently had a bad experience with Office Depot. On the evening of July 14th, I posted this on Twitter:
The next day, my “Office Depot Joins the Reputation Deadpool” post went live on Marketing Pilgrim. If Office Depot were actively monitoring Twitter, it could have saved itself a huge reputation headache by resolving the situation, before I posted to my blog.
Don’t panic, you don’t have to monitor Twitter manually 24/7. You can use (formerly, TweetBeep, or Trackur to automatically alert you of any Twitter discussion involving your brand.
There are many more ways that you can use Twitter to grow your brand and manage your reputation, but it wouldn’t be fun if we’d didn’t keep the conversation going.
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